What do you like the most of ebookoz?

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What do you like the most of ebookoz?

Unread post by WildWitch »

The thing I like the most of this site is that 9 out of 10 times the book I am looking for is already posted. I swear Addicted read minds :D

:lol: I do realize that we voted for it last year but I am grateful it is still been done

Thank You for being great
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Re: What do you like the most of ebookoz?

Unread post by BookEater »

I also love the latest ebook section but what I like the most are no snotty remarks or closing your topic if you made an error. Some other sites are worse than the gestapo

I do realise rules are there for a reason but some sites takes it to far. Look at the recent closer of the cat, I left because they were petty
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Re: What do you like the most of ebookoz?

Unread post by AddictedToReading »

BookEater wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:20 pm I do realise rules are there for a reason but some sites takes it to far. Look at the recent closer of the cat, I left because they were petty
Board Rules - Most sites core values are to maintain an organizational structure plus it is a format that makes it easier to find the books you are requesting.

I promise you that no one, no matter which site would be "snotty" just because they had a bad day.....sometimes asking the same member over and over to edit their request wants to make you bang your head on your desk.

Sometimes a rule doesn't make sense to you but there are always a reason for that rule and back lashing another site is a no no ..... :lol: How do you know they closed if you left them? :lol:
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