I would like to become a hunter

For help with things related to eBookoz and filehosts
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I would like to become a hunter

Unread post by denise8593 »

Im interested in helping people find books but I dont know how to go about uploading files and attaching the link in a post. If someone could walk me through the process I would love to help if I can

Thanks so much :D
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Re: I would like to become a hunter

Unread post by AddictedToReading »

The first thing is for every member, including the Hunters, is to search the board for the book you are wanting (not a forum search, but one for the entire board due to the fact that we have more than one forum with links to download). The same applies to the Hunters who are wanting to provide a link for the members to download. When searching, search by author for best results. If it's a very simple name, use the last name and the most prominent word in the title. Example: Dark Reunion by L. J. Smith. Search for reunion smith - the system ignores common words and initials.

Go to Goodreads, your one stop for all the rest you'll need. There you will put in the book title and author in their search field. When you locate the book, you make sure it comes in digital format, click on the Amazon link to double-check that it is available in digital and has been released, then you place it word for word in your subject line using the board's request format. Title by Author (Series Info, If Any)

The following is a list of the file sharing hosts that is acceptable on this board. If you are an uploader here, be sure that you open a free account with any or all of them so that your links will stay online for at least 30 days.

1. TusFiles

2. solidfiles

3. sendspace

4. Box

So in short Search Board to see if its not already on the board
Check request format
Check GR and check of its digital available
Search for book
Check to see if the book is without errors
Upload book
Post link