The (in)famous 'Instant Pot'

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The (in)famous 'Instant Pot'

Unread post by ReadyPlayer1 »

Nearly 3 years ago I bought an Instant Pot in an Amazon Black Friday sale as a result of the brouhaha surrounding it.

Now I have two Instant Pots (but almost always only use one), and cannot remember the last time I used my oven. The Instant Pot has genuinely been a life-changer... and my diet has improved enormously as a result of it. (If anyone wants my radiant air fryer then they are welcome to it... no longer needed or wanted.)

Bookwise, I devoured all I could find about my newest Instant Pot acquisition at the time, and no longer use any of them... I know now what works best for me and have no need to refer to any tome... just maybe my crib sheets re: timing on occasion (I'm almost 70... stuff goes missing up there, it happens).

However, it took me a long time and a bit of experimentation - plus a couple of distasteful failures - to reach this point... but I still haven't yet seen a 'Burn' warning.

Anyway, back to books. I have more than 200 ebooks (3.16GB) about Instant Pot usage and recipes. Is anyone interested?

If so, how do I go about it?
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Re: The (in)famous 'Instant Pot'

Unread post by AddictedToReading »

You are more than welcome to post your books here....viewforum.php?f=34
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